Daniel German Rivera

Cloud Engineer

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Engineer made in Colombia(Popayan), Cloud engineer focused in AWS, AWS community builder since 2021. traveler and tech lover

Latest Blog Posts

AWS Event-Bridge and Lambda to copy RDS snapshots to another Region

AWS Event-Bridge and Lambda to copy RDS snapshots to another Region

In this post i show how to copy automated RDS snapshots to another region using AWS Event-Bridge and Lambda.


Enabling logs and alerting in EKS cluster Part-1

Part I : Enabling logs and alerting in EKS cluster

In this post I will share my experience enabling and configuring logging in an EKS cluster, creating alerts to send a notification when a specific event appears in the logs.


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Part II : Enabling logs and alerting in EKS cluster

In this post I will share my experience enabling and configuring logging in an EKS cluster, creating alerts to send a notification when a specific event appears in the logs.


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Trusting in your IaC -Terraform-Compliance

Infrastructure as Code has started to be an important part of our cloud journey, giving us the ability to automate deploys and replicate our infra in multiple environments and accounts. Using code to define our infra allow us to implement some practices from developers world, like testing, version control, etc.


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Sharing secrets to ECS in an AWS multi-account architecture

In this post, We'll see the highlight steps on how to share secrets between AWS account using ECS Fargate that get the secrets stored in AWS Secret manager but in a different account. We'll use Terraform to build this.


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Replicating an S3 bucket encrypted with KMS

Last week I created a replication rule to make a cross-region replication of the whole S3 bucket, this bucket was configured with Server-side Encryption with a master key stored in AWS KMS


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Deploying your first micro-service in AWS using Pulumi

In this article, we are going to dive into a microservices architecture in which we will use Pulumi to deploy an ECS cluster to run a microservice built-in Python3.
